It’s Time to Waterproof Your Interior Walls
Exterior masonry work tends to slow down during the winter months in a lot of ways. Harsh weather and unpredictable conditions make it near impossible to rejuvenate or replace any of the stone that lives outside. But that doesn’t mean that you should be putting off all masonry work until the temps start to climb again. One area you should most definitely be addressing as you read this is your basement. It’s time to waterproof your interior walls.
Basement walls love to take center stage in the cold and rainy seasons. During the warmer months, the walls warm and expand just like a lot of materials do. That expansion allows for openings where water and other substances can bleed into and settle. When the weather changes, those cracks become issues that need to be dealt with before more severe damage occurs.
One of the more common ways of handling these cracks is to apply a parge coat to the walls. Commonly referred to as ‘parging’, what a mason does is apply a coat of masonry mortar to your walls to act as another layer or barrier. This helps cover the surface of a brick or stone wall, in order to repair cracks resulting from deterioration. Largely used in older home foundations (i.e.: basements) where moisture has found its way into the bricks or cement and caused decay to occur.
This article from This Old House does a good job of explaining how to assess your property. It even gives some easy steps on how you can do some simple fixes on your own. But remember, not everything can be solved with a DIY approach. If you are seeing water, smelling foul odors, or noticing large cracks in your walls, you should contact a waterproofing expert as soon as possible.
At JLM Masonry, we are more than happy to talk about how to address your specific needs. Contact us today to get the ball rolling.